
Title: Between Shades of Gray

Author: Ruta Sepetys

Genre: Historical Fiction

Rating: 4.5stars

Between Shades of Gray is a sophisticated book about a fifteen-year-old girl from Lithuania named Lina. Her life is perfectly normal until one night, when Soviets come to her house and give her and her family thirty minutes to collect things like clothes. The Soviets take them to the train station and put them on trains to a labor camp in the middle of Siberia. She is separated from her father, as he has been shipped to a prison. The book often revolves around her trying to contact her father and the struggles that she faces while being separated from him, because she was very close to him.

I think this is a very good book for people who like reading about World War II and unknown World War II stories. It goes into depth about the torture, death, and struggles that prisoners like Lina faced at the camp. I think this is one of the best books about World War II mainly because the Genocide of the Baltic People isn’t a very well known story among World War II tragedies. It makes me feel very sorry for the people that had to experience the Genocide of the Baltic People.

Reviewer: rydes406

Age: 14

One thought on “rydes406 finds depth to tragedy in “Between Shades of Gray.”

  1. Thank you for this lovely review! I’m so thrilled that you enjoyed the novel. As you mentioned, the deportation of the Baltic people is not a well known story. Thank you for helping me bring history out of the dark!


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